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宏碁 Chromebase 24"-24I2 Touch
宏碁 Chromebox CXI3 - CXI3-4GNKM4
Google Nest Learning Thermostat (3rd Generation,)
Google Pixel usd to C
Google Pixel 18W PD Adapter
Google Pixel Female to Type C Converter
Google Pixel Type C to C Converter
Google Pixel 18W PD Adapter & USB To Type C & Female To C -X3
Google Nest Protect 電池供電的煙霧和碳(第 2 代)
Google Nest Protect Wired Smoke & Carbon(白色,第 2 代)
Google Nest 恆溫器(沙色)
Google Nest 恆溫器(木炭)
Google Nest Thermostat
Google Nest Tag
Google Chromecast(木炭,第 3 代)
帶有 Google TV 的 Google Chromecast
Google Pixelbook 12.3" i7 16GB/512GB 多點觸控二合一(銀色)
Google Pixelbook 12.3" i5 8GB/128GB 多點觸控二合一(銀色)
Google Pixelbook 12.3" i5 8GB/256GB 多點觸控二合一(銀色)
Google Nest Hub(粉筆)
Google Nest Hub(木炭)